Inspired by the farmers coaxing life and flavor through fertile soil, those carrying on the culinary traditions rooted in their homesteads, and those who yearn to explore and discover flavors - the Wild Ophelia chocolate line is a journey through local farms and artisanal foods including the tropical North Shore of Kauai, the coast of Maine, and the plains of Missouri.
At Wild Ophelia, we're passionate about our role in, and impact on, the environment, Therefore, we have pledged and signed the Green Purchasing Oath.
Cold Brew Bites
Kauai Hawaiian caramelized bananas + roasted peanut butter + 41% cacao milk chocolate
sweet honey & barbeque potato chips + smoked paprika + 70% cacao dark chocolate
Kauai Hawaiian caramelized bananas + roasted peanut butter + 41% cacao milk chocolate